iPreservation Live


iPreservation Live is designed to simplify the complex aspects of the default services industry. With IPL, fulfillment of service agreements and obligations become simplified and uncomplicated. Our clean user-interface and workflow processes are designed to reduce errors and increase productivity.

Property History

Progressing damages and past bids are important to accurate reporting and reducing liability. IPL includes the complete history of a property at the touch of your fingers. Gone are the days of endless searching and hours of looking through old reports. IPL is the best property inspection software which allows you to easily see a complete timeline of everything from past bids, previously reported damages, appliances and past completions. All history can easily be reported again with the touch of button. You will also find previous labeled photos attached to the history section for easy reference.

Quickly Create Bids and Damages

Jumping from page to page to enter bids reduces efficiency and creates a poor workflow for office staff. IPL allows users to enter bids and damages from key locations throughout the web application without the need to open various windows.

Photo Editing

Photo Editing: IPL's integrated photo editing tools allow for users to rotate, crop, lighten, and adjust various imperfections in photographs. Users will also find the ability to write and circle objects on photos as needed. Along with photo editing tools, we have included the ability to measure objects in photos and mark on the photos with measurements.

Contractor Coverage Maps

Need to know who is the closest contractor available for a project? With IPL's contractor coverage maps, you can easily see and access the closest assets. Contractors can be appointed to categories that assign unique icons populated on the map that make it easy to identify seasonal, inspectors, specialty, and full-service contractors.

Work Order Que Search

Finding the order and properties you need is easier than ever with IPL's work order que search. Every column is equipped with a search function to easily filter the information needed. Filters can be saved for future use to quickly access desired searches.

Repair Base Integration

Repair Base is the preferred cost estimating software by field crews and office staff alike. IPL has integrated Repair Base into our bid platform.

Live Contractor Maps

Emergencies and delays are inevitable, but knowing where your field crews or contractors are in real-time can help to quickly know who to dispatch or reassign time sensitive orders. With IPL's live contractor maps, field crews using the mobile app have their location populated to the map in real time to promote accurate updates, expected completion times, and management of routes.

User Activity Monitoring

Modern challenges demand alternative solutions for cutting-edge staffing and office needs. The need for remote working staff is on the rise. With this shift comes new challenges and benefits. While office expenses and facilities fees can be reduced or eliminated altogether, mangers must be able to monitor productivity which presents new challenges. To adjust for this new reality, IPL has developed a browser and cloud-based monitoring system that monitors user activity when using the IPL web app. Unlike other activity monitoring tools that require an agent download to a PC, the IPL user activity tool allows remote staff privacy while only monitoring activity while logged into the web app. Mangers can access screenshots and activity reports for any user account they choose.

Artificial Intelligence Assistant

IPL's AI assisted quality control can scan photos to look for damages and common industry issues detected in photos. Office staff will be assisted with issues that the AI finds after scanning system pics, and then are able to assist in creating bids and reports based on AI suggestions.

Advanced Contractor Scorecards

IPL allows for office administrators to apply a weight to contractor scorecard categories. As orders are submitted and scored, the system will generate a score for contractors. Scores are then provided to the contractor and office staff in various locations to assist with training and order assignment.

Work Order Quality Control Alerts

Need to know when certain situations demands your attention? IPL's custom quality control alerts can notify you when a property has a violation, damage, or form answer that is critical to alerting office staff to a condition that requires immediate attention. You will be able to customize alerts based on your company needs.

Desktop Alerts

IPL utilizes desktop alerts to notify users when new messages or QC alerts need their immediate attention. With this tool, office staff can quickly respond to and address issues facing serviced properties.

Work Order and Custom Chat Rooms

IPL makes communication and sharing of information seamless. Each work order is equipped with three available chat threads. These threads allow for Clients, Contractors and Office Staff to communicate within all work orders. Admin-created chat rooms allow for general chat rooms to be utilized for communication outside of work orders.